Why should I visit East Wenatchee?
Located on the Columbia River, East Wenatchee WA gets 300 days of sun annually and is known for its hometown atmosphere and the Les Schwab Classy Chassis Parade and Car Show.
Where is East Wenatchee?
East Wenatchee Washington is about 25 miles east of Leavenworth. US 2 East will take you right to it.
What sort of Services and Amenities does East Wenatchee offer?
Most of the lodging options in East Wenatchee are small inns and hotels with a few national-brand lodging facilities. The dining scene includes national food chains and smaller, local restaurants that offer a variety of different cuisine.
What can I do or see in East Wenatchee?
Daroga State Park: Visit the 90-acre Daroga State Park where you can enjoy fishing, swimming, and camping. This desert oasis has a unique atmosphere with the arid climate and refreshing lake.
Peshastin Pinnacles State Park: Climb or walk through Peshastin Pinnacles State Park where you will find quality sandstone and beautiful orchards.
Lincoln Rock State Park: Lincoln Rock State Park is another great place to walk, camp, or enjoy water activities. Bring a picnic lunch and see if you can find the Basalt outcropping that looks like Abraham Lincoln’s head.