Alpine Lakes Wilderness in Washington

Leavenworth Washington
> Nature
> Alpine Lakes Wilderness

Alpine Lakes Wilderness

The name Alpine Lakes Wilderness conjures up images of deserted lake areas, lush mountain hills and untouched beauty. Fortunately, that is exactly what you will find when you explore the Alpine Lakes.

  • For those of you looking to expand into a new challenging physical activity, try glacial mountaineering on Mt. Daniel 
  • When you hike through the Alpine Wilderness you will be amazed at the number of lakes you will come across 
  • Set out to reach Mt. Stuart, the highest peak in the Alpine Wilderness and the 52nd highest point in Washington

What can I see and do at the Alpine Lakes Wilderness? 

The Alpine Lakes Wilderness is a large area that includes 700 mountain lakes and all the natural beauty that ensues. You can hike to the Enchantment Lakes, Ingalls Creek, Eightmile Lake, Lake Caroline, and Windy Pass. 

Glacier Mountaineering
Mount Daniel is one of the best glacial climbs in the Alpine Wildnerness, whether you are an expert mountaineer or a novice. It is perfect for those who are looking to get into glacial mountaineering with a II grade level. The temperature averages 35o and is best climbed from May-October. 

Many of the lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Washington have quality fishing because of their glacier-fed waters and hidden locations. When you fish at these lakes, make sure that you have the proper fishing licenses and be prepared to hike up to them and back down again.

Where is the Alpine Lakes Wilderness?

The Alpine Lakes Wilderness WA is part of the Central Cascades mountain range and includes 700 lakes. Mount Stuart is the highest point in this area and the Enchantments are also included. This area is located around Leavenworth, so when you are traveling through the Cascades, you are also traveling through the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

Who can I call if I have more questions?

For more information please call the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest at (509) 664-9200.